Get better quality eggs after 35yo by sleeping this way.

Some evidence suggests it also protects the DNA of your eggs. But evidence is limited (like most treatment options in the IVF world). We don't know the exact mechanisms

Get better quality eggs after 35yo by sleeping this way.

Egg quality is the achilles heel on an IVF journey.
We don't really know if it's good or bad.
We can't measure it.
And it gets blamed.

A lot.

It's the very words you dread when the IVF clinic calls...
Less than half of your eggs fertilised...
Only one of those made it to freeze.

What makes it harder is,
the internet has become an abyss of conflicting information around egg quality.
Surprisingly the sleep hormone melatonin changes how our ovaries function.

If you are on an IVF journey, chances are you are already taking it.
Maybe you aren't even sure why your doctor has prescribed it.
Let me explain why I am a fan of melatonin for improving your egg quality.

Especially if you are over 35 years old.

The sleep hormone is a powerful antioxidant.

I LOVE antioxidants for fertility.

They are fantastic at fighting the negative effects on your eggs caused by oxidative stress and inflammation.

Melatonin can help you drift off to sleep with ease.
AND improve your egg and embryo quality.
Win-win right?!

It delays ovarian aging.

It is not news that egg quality decreases as we get older.

It feels impossible to get through a single doctor's appointment without age being a topic.
It creates a sense of urgency.
Like your egg quality is sliding down a cliff face every second after turning 35.

I promise you it doesn't!

Talk to your doctor if you're over 35 years old and not getting results.
Ask about including melatonin in your treatment plan.
2-10mg per day could help you get the results you want in your IVF cycle.

It helps your egg mature.

Some evidence suggests it also protects the DNA of your eggs.
But the evidence is limited (like most treatment options in the IVF world).
We don't know the exact mechanisms of melatonin.
Or how it is involved in our ovaries.

From a clinical perspective, it works well if you fit the right criteria.

  • Poor ovulation induction or IVF outcomes
  • Age-related poor egg quality
  • Over 35 years old
  • Insulin resistant
  • Have PCOS

Better IVF results.

Here’s how it works.

It reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in your body.
Egg quality improves.

a higher number of eggs collected,
BETTER fertilisation,
and (fingers crossed) a successful transfer.

And the side effects?

Worried about taking a “sleeping tablet”?

Don’t worry.

Melatonin is a hormone.
It will help you to fall asleep.
But it doesn’t influence how you stay asleep.

It's generally well tolerated.

With little side effects.
It does interact with certain medications, so also seek advice before taking it.

Here are some ways you can naturally increase your melatonin levels:

  • Sleep in a dark room.
  • Exercise in the morning.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake.
  • Reduce screen time at night.
  • Get exposure to sunlight in the morning.
  • Eat foods rich in melatonin such as eggs, nuts, mushrooms, dark leafy greens, grapes, bananas and pineapple.

But melatonin is one just part of the story of improving your IVF outcomes. It isn't a magic pill.

The whole picture of your health needs to be considered. If you are struggling on your journey or don't know where to turn next, find the support you need.

Do you have a specific question? Hit reply and I will be happy to guide you x