Don’t miss this clue if you have endo and are struggling to have a baby.

Endo is a whole body inflammatory disease. We need to be looking holistically at treating the condition.

Don’t miss this clue if you have endo and are struggling to have a baby.
Photo by Anthony Tran / Unsplash

Endometriosis has become famous over the last few years.

Celebrities are opening up about their journey.
Documentaries have been made.
The government is allocating funding for pelvic pain clinics.... Yet women are still being let down time and time again by their care providers.

Maybe you are one of them.

Painful periods, exhaustion, IBS, bloating and painful sex are hard enough to deal with.
Add in the emotional blow of struggling to have a baby. Its a huge burden to shoulder.

The problem is often big stories are being dismissed.
Leading to feeling gas lit.
And let down by the very people who are supposed to be the primary support.
If you are suffering from endo and you want a baby, you need more support than a referral to a gynaecologist.

IVF is not the only answer.

The truth is there's a link between endo and infertility.
But it isn't a hard and fast rule.
About 50% of women who have endo will have trouble conceiving.
The disease itself is one part of the story.

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